Eichelbaum Guitars
The Maker


The Maker

Eichelbaum Guitars began in 1990 as I started taking on repair and restoration work in my California workshop. My focus quickly turned to the "Golden Era" Martin and Gibson guitars of the 40’s and 50’s that I loved so much, and I began to envision ways to design a more "modern" and versatile instrument suited for today’s varied playing styles that also captured the charm of these old guitars.

The years I spent in design and manufacture for the automotive industry provided me with a strong technical background and a critical eye toward manufacturing processes. However, it was a chance meeting with my extraordinary friend Kevin Ryan that forever altered my views about how guitars could, and should, be constructed. Visits to his shop were priceless learning experiences, and his then-burgeoning success inspired me to forge ahead with my own ideas.

I realize that commissioning a handmade guitar is often the realization of a lifetime dream, and I feel fortunate and honored to spend my life doing this work I love so much. I hope you enjoy the journey as much as I do.

David Eichelbaum


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©2001 Eichelbaum Guitars